Why Does Taco Bell Make You Poop?

why does taco bell make you poop

Taco Bell offers many options at low prices. Most orders can include beans, beef, cheese, sour cream, hot sauce, and crunchy or chewy tortillas. Some people must use the restroom right after eating. Here are some Taco Bell menu items that can make you go.

They may force you to poop. We’ll explain to them how to change your order so you can eat at Taco Bell without going to the bathroom. Why does Taco Bell make you poop? It could be capsaicin, cheese, or sour cream because you can’t handle lactose, beans because they’re too fibery, or beef.

What is Taco Bell Makes You Poop?

Different Taco Bell parts affect different people. This means multiple menu items may make you need to poop immediately.

You may need to try several things to determine which ingredients make you poop. It will be a tasty experiment, though!

Why do Taco Bell Eaters Need the Bathroom? 

The first sign that Taco Bell make you poop is its spice level. Food is hot because of the capsaicin in hot peppers. Because of this, spicy food feels burning. Although true, capsaicin is bad for people, especially those with sensitive stomachs or who don’t like spice.

It hurts to touch, making some want to poop. Some Taco Bell items may make you want to poop right after eating your favorite meal. If the heat bothers you, order mild hot sauce, keep it on the side, or skip it.

If hot sauce and spice made you go to the bathroom after Taco Bell, avoid naturally spicy foods. If you can eat other spicy foods without problems, one of these may cause your HAP.

Another Reason Taco Bell Eaters Need the Bathroom

Beans in your Taco Bell meal may also cause urination. In general, beans are tasty and healthy. However, they contain a lot of fiber, which some people have trouble digesting. Beans have a lot of fiber—10 grams per cup! Fiber attracts water, aiding digestion.

Trying beans may make you poop more. Beans contain oligosaccharides. Only when your colon does these carbs break down. They feed digestive tract bacteria, causing gas and bloating.

Beans may cause gas and bathroom visits after Taco Bell. Ask them to remove the beans and add beef to your dish. Naturally, you could order a meal without beans without any changes. There are many tasty bean-free dishes.

One More Reasons Taco Bell Eaters Need the Bathroom 

Ground beef in Taco Bell may also cause you to go. Some people lack stomach acid to digest large amounts of animal protein and fat, making it pass quickly.

A milder beef taco may help you avoid going to the bathroom too often due to the spice and beef.

As long as beans don’t make you go again, you can order beans at Taco Bell if beef makes you go for seasoned chicken.

Eat Taco Bell Differently to Keep Your Belly Healthy

After learning what parts of Taco Bell may hurt your stomach, let’s look at ways to change your meals to avoid going to the bathroom every time.

Replace beef with beans or chicken

Some have trouble digesting beef. Ask if you can substitute seasoned chicken or beans for the beef.

Reduce hot sauce

Ask for mild or no spice in your Taco Bell meals if you’re sensitive to capsaicin (it makes people sick!). Choose from many options, but say no spice!

Change beans

Beans, high in fiber and indigestible oligosaccharides, may also cause frequent bathroom visits after Taco Bell. Request beef or chicken if beans make you sick.

Avoid beans

Alternatively, you can order tacos and other specialty items without beans.

Ask not for cheese

If lactose is the main issue, ask for it removed from your meal. Test the cheese, sour cream, or both to determine the problem. See my ideas above.

Why does Taco Bell upset your stomach?

We should note that some Taco Bell customers have stomachaches or go to the bathroom immediately. After eating their favorite food, some people may get an upset stomach instead of going to the bathroom.

Why does Taco Bell make you sick? The meal may have too much fat, dairy, beans, or spice. 

In the bathroom after eating Taco Bell, many of the same things that “taco bell makes you poop” can also cause stomach pain.

Too much milk

Instead of going to the bathroom, lactose-intolerant people experience stomachaches, bloating, and gas. 

Too many beans

Beans taste great, are healthy, and fill you up. They contain oligosaccharides, a difficult-to-digest carbohydrate, and fiber. Gas and bloating can result.

Heat is too much

Plant compounds like capsaicin make hot peppers hot. This compound harms humans. This irritation makes you feel on fire after eating spicy food. 

Way too fat

Fat digestion can be difficult with gallbladder issues. Though tasty, Taco Bell’s cheese, sour cream, and beef can be high in fat. Check if one of these causes stomachaches after eating at Taco Bell.

Once you know what hurts, you can change your order to enjoy your meal without pain.


In conclusion, Taco Bell has many tasty options, but some may have stomach issues after eating there. Spice, dairy, beans, and beef can cause diarrhea or stomach pain in sensitive or intolerant people.

By identifying their triggers and ordering milder sauces, skipping dairy, or switching beans, people can still enjoy Taco Bell’s food without the side effects. Knowing your body and making smart choices can help you enjoy Taco Bell without stomach issues.


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